SOIL FRIENDLY weed control, is this possible?

Introducing a paradigm shift in weed control. Consistently effective results while simultaneously improving the microbiome of the soil. FireHawk Bioherbicide combines state-of-the-art advanced delivery technology, developed by using cutting-edge scientific research in combination with naturally derived ingredients. FireHawk does not contain glyphosate or any other type of synthetic herbicide ingredient. The mode of action for FireHawk Bioherbicide is desiccation by dehydration. This happens by stripping away the waxy outer layer of the weed or plant sprayed, breaking down its cell walls, allowing the moisture and nutrients to escape. Dr. Rick Haney describes this as "death by drought". This is what provides "Soil-Friendly Weed Control". FireHawk provides consistent performance on a wide variety of plant species. In addition to being an effective, non-selective contact herbicide, FireHawk is completely biodegraded and beneficial to the soil microorganisms. Weed scientists tell us it is nearly impossible for weeds to develop resistance.


Independent research has proven that FireHawk Bioherbicide is beneficial to soil health.


FireHawk Bioherbicide provides consistently effective weed control while improving soil health.


FireHawk Bioherbicide produces visible results within a few hours of application.


FireHawk Bioherbicide’s environmentally friendly formula is readily biodegraded and makes it an ideal choice for use around pets and livestock.


FireHawk Bioherbicide has no withholding period.


Our proprietary delivery technology makes the naturally occurring active ingredient, Nonanoic Acid consistently effective at terminating weeds.


FireHawk Bioherbicide is approved for use in the US by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Our Technology

FireHawk™ Bioherbicide’s
Patented Technology Works Better

FireHawk Bioherbicide is a consistently effective non-selective contact herbicide that is a valuable tool for weed control and vegetation management. Nonanoic Acid, the active ingredient, is rapidly degraded by soil microorganisms. For this reason, FireHawk Bioherbicide is a very versatile product that can be used in most all horticultural, agricultural, and nursery applications. It also works well to control weeds and unwanted plants in landscaping, playgrounds, parks and recreation areas, as well as, school grounds and environmentally sensitive areas. FireHawk also has a strong track record on managing many different invasive weed species.

Supporting Regenerative By Design

Supporting Regenerative By Design

The mode of action of FireHawk Bioherbicide returns the beneficial components and nutrients from weeds to the soil which subsequently stimulates positive microbial activity. Killing weeds and making the soil healthy at the same time, this is a paradigm shift in weed control.

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Regenerative is
the Future

It is our responsibility to improve the environment in which we live. Contact BioSolutions believes that we all have a part to play in this effort. Improving the quality of the air we breath, the water we drink and the food we eat. It is imperative that we improve the health of the soil. FireHawk Bioherbicide is a consistently effective, high performing, patented weed control solution for the marketplace.

Residential Use

FireHawk Bioherbicide is a versatile weed control solution for the happy homeowner and backyard gardener. FireHawk provides consistently effective weed control without putting your children or pets at risk.

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Professional Weed Control

FireHawk Bioherbicide is EPA approved for the US market. This answers a screaming demand for a consistently effective, bioherbicide. FireHawk provides broad spectrum control for many grass and broad leaf species.

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News & Media

Contact BioSolutions partners with Toxin Free USA at Super Bowl LIX

Maurice, Iowa - February 9, 2025


Contact BioSolutions is taking advantage of a unique opportunity to introduce its soil friendly bioherbicide FireHawk™ to the U.S. market...

Contact BioSolutions Rebrands and Launches FireHawk™ Bioherbicide in the U.S. - A Paradigm Shift in Weed Control

Maurice, Iowa – February 5, 2025

Contact BioSolutions, formerly known as Contact Organics, is excited to introduce FireHawk Bioherbicide, an innovative and soil friendly weed killer, to the U.S. market.


Contact Organics at 'Common Ground' Movie Premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival

As an innovative developer, marketer, and distributor of a revolutionary bioherbicide range of products, Contact Organics, joined the movement supporting regenerative agriculture. Contact Organics’ Managing Director Frank Glatz was...